Updated: 12/16/2021 | How to Remove Stains from White Clothes
I am super clumsy and always getting stains EVERYWHERE.
What is most annoying is when I get stains on my white clothing. I’ve spilled wine, hot sauce, pasta sauce, coffee and so much more on my clothes. It’s just something I cannot avoid.
For the longest time, I avoided white clothing because I believed they were hard to treat. I missed out on tons of fashion trends involving white apparel.
Luckily, I’ve learned a few tricks in the past couple of years. And one of them is how to quickly get rid of stains on my favorite pieces of white or light-colored clothing.
Without much ado, here are the exact steps to how I remove stubborn stains from my white clothing.
How to Remove Stains from White ClothinG
Here are my quick and easy steps to remove stains from white clothes. It will take you no more than one day to treat and get your apparel looking brand new!
What You Need
- Baking Soda
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- A large bucket or bowl
- Detergent (for washing after treatment)
Step 1: Create the Stain Removal Paste!
Not sure what else I should call this mixture, so I call it the “stain removal solution.”
I treat my stains with a mixture of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and warm water in a large bowl. Pour about 3-4 tablespoons of baking soda, 2-3 oz of water, and 1 oz of hydrogen peroxide into the large bucket or bowl.
Create a solution by mixing the concoction with your fingers. It should look creamy with swirls (see image below).

Baking Soda + Water + Hydrogen Peroxide solution
Step 2: Apply and Massage the Paste
Take your garment over to the bucket and rub the paste onto the areas that you need to be treated. I like to dip the stained areas into the solution and then rub the fabric with my fingers or against the fabric itself to get into the fibers of the fabric.
Your solution may turn chalky because the solution will absorb into the fabric. You can add additional water to soften the solution so that it rubs into the fabric better.
Step 3: Allow the treatment to sit overnight
This part is very important! You need to allow the paste some time to work. Leave the garment in the bucket and bowl overnight. The more time it gets, the better it will treat and remove the stain.
I typically treat overnight and wash my clothes in the morning.
Step 4: Wash your clothing
And finally, you’ll need to wash your clothing as your normally would. I take my treated garment and throw it into the washing machine with detergent.
Depending on your garment, you may need to hang dry or can dry in the dryer.
You’ll find that this method works with almost every type of fabric that can be hand or machine washed.
Do not try this on garments that require dry cleaning because you may end up ruining them.
Final Thoughts
What do you think? Did our miracle paste work for you? Please let us know in the comments below.
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