My first time to Tennessee was awesome. I rented a car and explored Nashville and Clarksville. The weather was sweltering hot and humid. There was amazing food everywhere you go. Music from the bars and restaurants filled the streets. This is definitely the place you come for some damn peace and quiet. There was so much to do and I’m up for doing it all over again! Here are some of my favorite moments in the Volunteer State!

Welcomed to Nashville by these three dancing frogs. <3

Broadway Brewhouse on 19th. Very impressed with the assortment of beer! It was also ladies night, so all the beer was BOGO. C’est what?! Three beers for only $13. Yes please.

Hop something and Pineapple IPA – Larry help!


Glow on Broadway Brewhouse! <3

Moonshine Tasting at the George Jones shop!

Reflection of the John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge

Why “Ello” George!

Yes. Thank you for not pulling me over.

Boots boots boots! Buy one get TWO free. What is this place?!

Tootsies is three levels of music and booze.

Beer Sellar has BOGO on Thursdays as well. Although the beer selection wasn’t as interesting as Broadway Brewhouse.

Watch out ladies! His outfit will drive you mad!

L & N Train Station – built in 1901 and repurposed in 1996. This is how people got in and OUT of Clarksville.

Yours truly doing what I do best. Staying cool at Opry Mills Mall.

Customs House in Clarksville, TN.

ALL the bottled sodas! I even see my favorite = BIG RED!

If only my chihuahua partied as hard.

Best prime rib eva and the meat plate was delicious!

Grand Ole Opry!

Guitars welcome you on the pathway leading to the Grand Ole Opry!

Capital Building aka an awesome concert venue.

All the salt water taffies! It’s my favorite candy btw. How does it not harden?

Old bulidings

Bag of salt water taffies! Who wants to come over for a taste?

Me, aka a kid, in a candy store! 🙂

The iconic Broadway where any time of the day, anywhere you turn you hear live music. And it’s not just country!

Saw at least 78 bachelor and bachelorette parties near Broadway.

This is party central.

Big signs letting drunk people know where they are since the 1800s.

Only in Nashville.

Beers at Hattie Bs.

Our last meal. It was so good we went back twice and to both locations. Order online and skip the line. Trust me, there is ALWAYS a line.

Should’ve got me some boots!

My third love. Ice cream!

I just had to vrksasana.

Bridgestone Arena

Neon Signs light up Broadway day and night.

Das Boot!